So you've built a module, tested and scenicked it and now you want to take it to shows to participate in larger modular layouts? Great! Before you head out with your module and a couple trains in the trunk (okay, in the back of your minivan), there are a few things that you need to remember in order to make the show experience a pleasurable one.
The first thing that you need to do is ensure that you and your models will be welcome with the club or organziation with which you plan to exhibit. You may think that this goes without saying, but I've been involved in a few layouts where a modeler shows up with modules and/or trains when he wasn't expected; this could easily (and has in a couple cases that I know of) lead to bad feelings all around. It's easy enough to call or email the layout coordinator to verify everyone's expectations and it prevents so many problems that there really is no reason not to do this. If you're bringing modules to a show, get your modules checked out with other members of the layout at least a month before the show. The best situation would be one where the entire layout can be setup for a trial operating session before the show. But, that's not always practical, especially for larger shows such as the National Train Show that is held in conjunction with the NMRA's national convention each year. As a minimum, you should connect your modules to at least one other module that has already been successfully exhibited at shows. Doing so helps ensure that your modules will interface properly with adjoining modules and the established layout members will often be able to spot potentional trouble items before they become problems at the show. You need to check your modules' track locations to ensure that they are not only at the same level, but also at the correct position horizontally and in relation to each other. Unless you were able to lay the track with an existing module as your guide, it's pretty likely that your track locations will be a little off no matter how carefully you measured their positions. The other important factor to check on your modules is the wiring. Connect the wiring to the established module and power it from there to check continuity and to check for shorts; working under a module, it's easy to cross wires, and hooking up your module to another module that is known to work correctly will help you find these problems. After fixing problems that appear in the test session, check it again with established modules, preferably with modules that you haven't already tested with. Keep doing this until your modules work correctly with whatever established modules are connected to it for testing purposes. If you're bringing trains to run at the show, you will need to check these out too. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the layout's equipment standards and rules. Some layouts require equipment to use specific couplers or to all be weighted according to a specified standard, while others are more relaxed in what they require. If the organization you're going to exhibit with has a test track, make the time to test your equipment on it. Test not only the locomotives, but all of the rolling stock. At least a week or two before the show, separate out the equipment that you plan to bring to the show and pay special attention to their operating characteristics. If, like many modelers, you're in the process of converting from one type of coupler to another, check to ensure that the equipment you want to bring all has the correct kind of couplers (if they don't all have the same kind, check that you've got a conversion car).
Once your modules and trains are tested and verified, you can pack them up for transportation to the show. It's best to have all of these items packed and stored in the same place so you don't have to go looking all over the house for something that you still need. It also makes loading it all go faster, especially when you have helpers, because everything is in one place and you can easily point out the correct pile to your helpers. Other than the modules and trains, some clubs require that module exhibitors bring their own C clamps and electrical equipment. Check with the layout coordinator for these and any other requirements at the show location. Some shows supply extension cords, chairs, tables and floor mats, others may supply only some of these items and others might not be able to supply any of them. As a minimum, grab an extra extension cord or two. Some of the other things that I always try to remember include:
There's always something that is forgotten on the way to a show, but this gives you an idea of some of the less conventional items that I've found useful.
Have fun! No really, that is why you're there, isn't it?
Check in with the module coordinator when you arrive to find out any special details about the layout setup that were not yet specified. Help with setup to the best of your abilities and, if the layout is using a sign up sheet for operations, put your name down for a couple shifts when you can guarantee that you will be at the layout to run trains. When you do sign up for a shift, make sure that you show up and work your shifts. You don't like it when your relief crew isn't there, and neither does the crew that you're relieving. Check with the layout host for any special operating rules and procedures and follow them; when everyone is following the same procedures, everyone has more fun. Remember, when you're exhibiting in a group layout, you're sharing the layout with everyone else in the group, and they're sharing it with you. When the show ends, help with teardown to the best of your abilities.
Whether you like it or not, you are a representative of the hobby when you exhibit models at a show. It's best to look the part, so be sure that you shower and clean yourself up before the show begins. You don't have to wear a suit, but clean clothes are a minimum requirement. Wear a train shirt or a shirt with another design if you want, but be aware of the pictures and symbols on the shirts that you wear; take some time to consider the public's sensibilities and your own clothing's visibility when you make your wardrobe selections. When you exhibit at a show, there will often be attendees who want to ask you something. Please be polite, especially when they ask you if the trains can go any faster or if you've ever done the Gomez Addams routine (yeah, you know the one). Remember that when show attendees have a good experience, they are more likely to take up model railroading for themselves, which leads to a greater demand for model railroad products, which in turn can lead to a larger supply of model railroad products to choose from (some at a lower cost due to the increased production) for your own railroad.
When you get home from a show, put everything away as soon as possible; getting it over with leaves one less task that must be done. Make a list of the things you forgot to bring with you, then gather these items and prepare them (and the list itslef) for the next show. Sort your equipment and separate those items that were troublesome at the show so you can work on them before the next show. If you were a visitor at a layout, write a thank you note to the layout coordinator for including you in the show. If you took photos at the show, consider sharing them with the rest of the layout crew.